What is Commodity Hardware?

Commodity Hardware is not the old machine you found under a desk.. You will often see "runs on commodity hardware" on a SDN product website.  What does it really mean? Sometimes when Router Analysis gets a new piece of SDN software to test the results come out much better or worse than what the vendor claims.  The most recent occurrence of lower performance happened as we st … [Read more...]

Evaluating Midokura’s MidoNet Solution

This article is the first in a set of articles that will walk through the evaluation of Midokura's MidoNet product.  In the first article we will discuss Midokura's solution, what it is made of, how it works and what expectations have been set with regard to performance and the solution it aims to solve. An Overview of Midokura: SDN Startup Midokura launched this week at th … [Read more...]

Network Hardware and SDN

How Does SDN Fit Into The Virtual Data Center? One thing that needs to be cleared up is the definition of  Network or Networking Hardware.  In the definition of SDN from ONF they discuss the decoupling of the Control and Data Plane with the Data Plane being defined as Network Hardware.  Here is where things can get confusing. What is Network Hardware? Wikipedia says the fo … [Read more...]

The Vyatta Cloud Router Story

Vyatta and their approach to Cloud Routers A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking with Scott Sneddon, Cloud Solutions Architect at Vyatta Inc.  I've known Scott since the late 1990's when he and I both worked for Exodus Communications. Vyatta is one of the few full featured software based routing vendors in the market today.  Their product is a mix of OpenSource and … [Read more...]

The Virtual Data Center Reality

Virtual Data Centers start to become reality. With the recent announcement of the CSR 1000v from Cisco, there are now two commercial Virtual Data Center stories (three if we look at the VMWare vCNS products and use one of the other vendors products for a router) Cisco and Vyatta. What is a Virtual Data Center?  There will be a lot of different answers but in my view it co … [Read more...]

The Cisco Cloud Router Story

Cloud Router : Cisco Now that VMWorld is over, there is a lot of industry buzz about VMWare, Nicira, Vyatta, Cisco and the Cloud Router in the networking space.  Cisco had previously released the virtual Nexus 1000v switch, which provides a more flexible way to handle inter machine connectivity and the virtual ASA 1000v firewall.  While the Cloud Service Router CSR 1000v had be … [Read more...]

Can A Virtual Router Live In The Cloud?

Summary - Racks that used to hold 6 machines now hold hundreds of virtual machines, instability is exploding and there is a need for routed interfaces.  Putting a Cloud Virtual Router in the chassis with the virtual machines is one solution to this issue. In the past few years we have seen the words cloud and computing pop up more and more.  Most recently we started seeing t … [Read more...]